



















































LOH. late-onset hypogonadism





























(加齢男性性腺機能低下症候群診療の手引き より)


八味地黄丸 (ハチミジオウガン):代表的な男性更年期障害の漢方薬。腎気を補う作用があり、腎虚、すなわち精力減退、下半身の機能の衰え全般に効果が期待されるほか、最近では糖尿病や高血圧に伴う症状にも効果が期待されています。

竜骨 (リュウコツ)、牡蛎 (ボレイ):ストレスの強い方へ。精神症状が前面に生じている場合は、竜骨、牡蛎という鎮静作用がある成分の入った漢方薬をしばしば使います。竜骨、牡蛎は鎮静作用がある成分です。イライラが強い症例には柴胡加竜骨牡蛎湯 (サイコカリュウコツボレイトウ)、不安が強い症例には桂枝加竜骨牡蛎湯 (ケイシカリュウコツボレイトウ)があり、これらの漢方薬は八味地黄丸と併用処方することもあります。抑うつ傾向が強い場合は、半夏厚朴湯なども使います。

補材:高齢で体力の衰えが目立つ方へ。長い時間をかけて腎気が衰える男の更年期では、体力の消耗も深刻です。体力の衰えが著しい場合は、全身の体力を補う「補剤」を処方します。代表的な補剤といえば補中益気湯 (ホチュウエッキトウ)と十全大補湯 (ジュウゼンタイホトウ)です。






J Endocrinol Invest. 2005;28(3 Suppl):23-7.
Late-onset hypogonadism in the aging male (LOH): definition, diagnostic and clinical aspects
M Schubert 1, F Jockenhövel
Late-onset hypogonadism (LOH) is defined by reduced serum testosterone levels (either total testosterone or free testosterone) and the careful exclusion of any form of classical hypogonadism. When the androgen decline associated with advancing age causes detrimental physiological and mental effects, the syndrome is known as symptomatic LOH (SLOH). A detailed medical history and physical examination are the bases of the diagnosis, and should always precede any biochemical investigations. A general screening of men above a certain age for testosterone deficiency is not feasible. Questionnaires may assist in identifying men who suffer from LOH. Common clinical symptoms of SLOH are lethargy, fatigue, decreased sense of well-being, reduced physical and mental activity, diminished libido, increased sweating, depressive mood, reduced muscle and bone mass or even osteoporosis, erectile dysfunction, and mild anemia. When clinical symptoms are present, the laboratory work-up should focus on total testosterone serum levels. Total testosterone levels <200 ng/dl indicate hypogonadism. In cases of testosterone levels between 200 and 400 ng/dl, measurement should be repeated and supplemented by determination of free testosterone, either by appropriate laboratory methods or the calculation of free testosterone index. In case of very low testosterone levels, classical secondary hypogonadism needs to be considered and excluded. For the safety reasons to exclude contraindications of therapy with androgens, and for follow-up investigations during therapy prostate-specific antigen (PSA), hemoglobin and hematocrit are of interest.

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