Menu認知行動療法 Cognitive-Behavioral-Therapy (CBT)
残念ながら、問題解決が根本的に不可能な時には、現実に対する受け止め方を変えることが必要です。 「認知行動療法」とは認知(物事の見方や出来事の受け止め方)や行動(振る舞い方)を修正・改善し、不快な感情を軽減したり、社会への適応を高めたりする方法です。
If your problems prove to be unsolvable, you will need to change your approach to the situation. “Cognitive Behavioral Therapy” is cognition (how you proceed with / accept things) and behavior modification and therapy. This method alleviates one`s displeasure by increasing their ability to adapt to society.
- 根拠のない決めつけ Presume with any basis
Without any evidence, one begins to believe their own-thinking - 白黒思考 Black and white thinking
A completely black and white way of thinking that does not allow for any grayness (vagueness) - 部分的焦 Partial focusing
点づけ 自分が着目していることだけに目を向け、短絡的に結論づけること
Only focusing one`s attention at a particular aspect and making hastily decisions based on that - 過大評価・過小評価 Excessive evaluation / Insufficient evaluation
Expanding upon things that are of your own self-interest, and conversely, minimizing those things are contrary to your thinking/expectations - 「べき」思考 “Supposed to be” thinking
“This is the way it supposed to be” “It is supposed to be like that” way of past thinking that imposes self-restrictions on one`s own behavior/actions - 極端な一般化 Extreme generalization
With only limited facts, one comes to a conclude that everything will result the same way - 自己関連づけ Self-blame
When something bad occurs, one immediately believe they are the cause and blames themselves - 情緒的な理由づけ Emotional reasoning
Making decisions based on the state of one`s emotion at that time - 自分で実現してしまう予言 Self-fulfillment
Taking an negative approach to one`s actions, which in turns poses restrictions so that person ultimately fails as expected. By further believing negatives about the results, that persons further delves into a negative cycle
Upon becoming aware of these types of negative cognitive distortions, one can change their thinking process by the below “Column Method”. By writing down, in each of the columns, any changes to their own condition or thinking, one can seek to adapt their way of thinking in a realistic manner
- 状況
- その場の状況
- 気分
- その時の気分
- 自動思考
- その瞬間に浮かんだ考え
- 根拠
- 自動思考を裏づける事実
- 反証
- 自動思考と矛盾する事実
- 適応的思考
- 視野を広げたバランスの良い別の考え方
- 気分の変化
- 考えを変えて気分がどのように変化したか
- 状況
- 3年間、結婚前提に交際していた彼と別れた
- 気分
- 辛い(90%)、悲しい(70%)、絶望(50%)
- 自動思考
- もう人生は終わりだ
- 根拠
- 来年は30歳になる
- 反証
- 最近は30歳を過ぎても女性は結婚している
- 適応的思考
- 30代こそ素敵な結婚・人生を得られる
- 気分の変化
- 辛い(60%)、悲しい(40%)、絶望(20%)
- 状況
- 任されたプロジェクトで失敗した
- 気分
- 悔しい(70%)、腹立たしい(50%)、失望(30%)
- 自動思考
- もう昇進できないかもしれない
- 根拠
- せっかく与えられたチャンスだった
- 反証
- 次のチャンスがないわけではない
- 適応的思考
- 今回の失敗を糧にして次の成功につなげよう
- 気分の変化
- 悔しい(50%)、腹立たしい(30%)、失望(10%)
The above is an summary explanation of Cognitive-Behavioral-Therapy. By objectively observing one`s lifestyle, behavior and thinking, that person can realistically adapt to handling and seeking the best solution. However, accomplishing this by one person is extremely difficult. This is particularly true for those individuals that are in a period of strong anxiety or depression, and are unable to thinking logically and reasonably. At Ginza Taimei Clinic, we are here to support individuals with their needed physiological treatments. Please contact and discuss with our doctors
- ホーム
- 診療内容 - 認知行動療法 Cognitive-Behavioral-Therapy (CBT)